Jie Zhong is an associate professor at the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Peking University. He earned his doctor degree of psychology from Peking University. His research grants include risk analysis of police group and the development of music relaxation program, development of the Chinese antisocial personality disorder inventory, development of the Chinese personality organization inventory, etc.

List of Publications

Io, L., Wang, Q., Wong, O. L., Li, Z., & Zhong, J. (2023). Development and psychometric properties of the Chinese Invalidating Family Scale. Family process, 62(3), 1161-1175. (通讯作者)

Jin, M., Wang, Z., Zhou, Y., & Zhong, J. (2023). Exploring the impact of childhood maltreatment and BPD on impulsivity in crimes of passion. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14. (通讯作者)

Li, Z., Duan, Y., Liu, Y., & Zhong, J. (2023). Retrospective reports of perceived parental invalidation and borderline personality traits: The indirect effect of personality functioning. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 14(5), 584–589. (通讯作者)

Wang, Y., Li, Z., & Zhong, J. (2023). Preliminary psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the structured interview of personality organization (STIPO- CH). BMC psychiatry, 23(1), 568. (通讯作者)

Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Li, Z., & Zhong, J. (2022). Psychometrics of the Chinese Inventory of Personality Organization (IPO-CH). Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 86(4), 339-357. (通讯作者)

Jin, M., Wang, Q., Xu, X. J., & Zhong, J. (2021). Emotional, Physical, and Sexual Child Abuse in China: Prevalence and Psychological Consequence. Psychology, 12, 1325-1340. (通讯作者)

Liu, Y., & Zhong, J. (2020). Structure and psychometric properties of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children in Chinese adolescents. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 48, 1499-1510. (通讯作者)

Zhong, J., Fan, F., Liu, Y. (2020). Cogitation on the Mental Health Service System during the COVID-19 Outbreak in China. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 22(3), 199–202. (通讯作者)

Wang, Lanlan; Yuan, Chenmei; Qiu, Jianyin; Gunderson, John; Zhang, Min; Jiang, Kaida; Leung, Freedom; Zhong, Jie; Xiao, Zeping, (2014). Reliability and Validity of a Chinese version of the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines-Revised (DIB-R). Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. 6, 326–333 (共同通讯作者)

Zhong J. (2011) Working with Chinese patients: Are conflicts between Chinese culture and psychoanalysis? International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. 8(3): 218–226 (also in Gerlach A., Hooke MT, Varvin S. (Eds). 2013. Psychoanalysis in Asia. London: Karnac books, pp.125-136.)

Zhong J., Wang C., Liu J., Qin M., Tan J., Yi C. (2011). Psychometric Properties of the Padua Inventory in Chinese college samples. Psychological Reports. 109(3): 803-818.

Zhong, J., You, J. Gan, Y., Zhang, Y., Lu, C Wang, H. (2009). The Relationship of job stress, burnout, depression and Physical health among Chinese university teachers. Psychological Reports,105,3,1-7;

Zhong, J., Wang, C., Li, J., & Liu, J. (2009). Penn State Worry Questionnaire: structure and psychometric properties of the Chinese version. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 10(3), 211-218 (通讯作者)

Zhong J., Leung F. (2009). Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder in China: Current Status and Future Directions. Current psychiatry reports. 11: 69-73 (通讯作者)

Zhong J., Wang A., Qian M., et al. (2008). Shame, Personality and Social Anxiety Symptoms in Chinese and United State Nonclinical Samples: A Cross-cultural Study. Depression and anxiety. 25(5), 449-460 (通讯作者)

Zhong J., Leung F. (2007). Should Borderline Personality Disorder be Included in the Fourth Edition of the Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders? Chinese Medical Journal. 120(1):77-82 (通讯作者)

Zhong J., Qian MY.(2004). Behavior as a mediator in peptic ulcer patients: A structural equations model, International Journal of Psychology, 39 Supplement(5- 6): 452 (Meeting Abstract)

Huang Z, Wang M, Qian M, Zhong J, Tao R, Chinese Internet Addiction Inventory: Developing a measure of problematic Internet use for Chinese college students. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2007,10(6):805-811