On the afternoon of May 27, 2019, a public lecture for the Engineering Psychology course, Sensory Branding, jointly organized by the School of Psychological and Cognitive sciences at Peking University and the Committee of Applied Psychology of Chinese Association of Social Psychology, was given by Mr. Chen Zhongwei. Mr Chen is the general manager of Hengyuanxiang (HYX) Group Co., Ltd.. He is an outstanding figure of the construction of Chinese textile brand culture, a core member of the project, "Research on National Branding and Cultural Soft Power", as well as a leader of Shanghai’s top 10 brands.

Before the lecture, Professor Wang Lei, director of the Committee and the Department Chair of Managerial and Social Psychology, organized a lab tour for Mr. Chen and his colleagues. They visited the Consumer Behavior Research Center. Prof. Wang introduced relevant academic achievements, projects of consumer behavior psychology and the practices of sensory branding. Associate Dean, Mr. Yao Xiang, on behalf of our school , awarded Mr. Chen with the certificate of “Industry Tutor for graduate students”.

After the brief ceremony, Mr. Chen elaborated some hot topics such as "Brand and People", "Brand and Five Senses", and "Application of Sensory Elements in the Brand”. He addressed with the developmental course of HYX’s sensory branding, and introduced the typical theories as well as and good examples of sensory branding. After the lecture, the audience discussed enthusiastically with Mr. Chen on a broad range of topics: the practices of sensory sleep, the construction of sensory brands with virtual reality technology, relations between brand and culture, brand and economic transitions etc.

Some faculty members and students in our school, as well as people from all relevant sectors attended the lecture. The lecture will also serve as a model for carrying out a joint education between several forces, including the school, associations and companies (social communities).