中岛祥好(Yoshitaka Nakajima) Kyushu University 九州大学大学院艺术工学研究院

时间: 2017-03-28 13:00 - 15:00

地点: 王克桢楼1115

When two adjacent time intervals up to 600 ms, T1 and T2 in this order, are marked by very short sound bursts, their durations are perceptually assimilated to or contrasted against one another in some conditions. They are assimilated in a bilateral manner if the difference between them is up to ~50 ms. When T1 ? 200 ms and T1 ? T2 < T1 + 100 ms, T2 is underestimated remarkably. Except when T1 ? T2, this is assimilation of T2 to T1. This systematic underestimation, time-shrinking, does not take place when T1 > 300 ms. When T2 = 100 or 200 ms and T1 = T2 + 100 or T2 + 200 ms, T1 is perceptually contrasted against T2: T1 is overestimated. When 80 ≤ T1 ≤ 280 ms and T2 ? T1 + 240 ms, T2 is contrasted against T1: T2 is overestimated. Assimilation and contrast are more conspicuous in T2 than in T1 indicating temporal asymmetry. Contrast takes place only as overestimation of T1 or T2. For three adjacent time intervals, T1, T2, and T3, the perception of T3 is affected by both T1 and T2, and whether and how the perception of T1 and T2 is affected by this context has not yet been investigated systematically. The relationship between different sensory modalities is another issue to be examined. Time-shrinking, for example, takes place also in the visual and the tactile modality. The illusion appears in the visual modality even in temporal conditions in which it would not appear in the auditory modality. This means that the same temporal pattern can be perceived differently in different sensory modalities. Assimilation between the auditory and the visual modality should be taking place, therefore, in real life, and related paradigms are being developed in Beijing.

